Building Team Notes September 22, 2016

Irene Stewart, Peter Young, Beth Peterson, Mark Sisson, Sherry Smith, Suzette Reiss, Donya VanBuren, Laurie Ullman

Meeting called to order at 7:04

No minutes from last meeting.

A thorough discussion was held of the “Pro/Con” list returned to the Building Team by the Board of Trustees. The Team, as a group, edited the list for content, etc. It was decided that it could be further edited via email between the group prior to returning it to the Board for distribution.

Irene informed the Team that Bill Moore will be the attorney representing the Church during the building process.

Sherry spoke to the Team about her visit to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork and their new building in Bridgehampton. It was built in 2003 and is of modular construction. The congregation there uses their large room as sanctuary, fellowship hall and general meeting space. Sherry suggested the Team visit the building as it was an exciting interpretation of a church space. She went on to present a suggestion for our own building, using ideas germinated during her visit. The Team felt it was time to get to the “fun” of designing our new church, and will set aside time in future meetings to do just that.

Our next meeting will be September 29 at 7:00.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05.