Building Team Notes August 11, 2016

Irene Stewart, Mark Sisson, Peter Young, Sherry Smith, Suzette Reiss, Beth Peterson

Excused: Laurie Ullman, Donya VanBuren

In attendance as members of the Board of Trustees:

Susi Young, Mary James, Cheryl Schneider, Ginny Cornell, Bill Funke, Ceil Loucka

Absent: John Forestieri, Susan Pond

Meeting called to order at 7:05.

Minutes from August 4 were accepted.

The Building Team thanked Suzette for assembling the packets with proposals distributed to the Board of Trustees.

There was brief discussion of the “Key Points” handout compiled by Donya and distributed to the congregation August 7; it was noted that this is the most up to date, versus the Key Points attached to the monthly Free Spirit.

 Our guests, the Board of Trustees, noted that Bill Moore has been contacted to act as attorney for the First Universalist Church during the building process.

Mark briefed the Board, and answered questions, about the four proposals the BT submitted. The Board asked that the Team reduce the number to two. (This precipitated a discussion of the “Charge to the Building Team” to determine the actual number of proposals to be submitted. Since the wording was plural, the Board and the BT felt two is correct.) The Building Team tabled reducing the number until the Board had left.  There was a brief discussion with the Board of how to present proposals to the membership.

Members of the Board of Trustees retired from our meeting. The BT thanked them for their patience and enthusiasm during the last few months.

Once the Board left, a thorough discussion followed about which proposals to submit, with each Team member voicing their opinion, and casting votes, for the two they preferred. The BT was unanimous in recommending the Marren/Gorman team. A majority was for recommending NE Custom Modular. (There were votes for NE Custom Modular with a separate architect, and votes for each architect alone.) (Note; Donya and Laurie were polled by telephone the following day.)

The Team reiterated the need that only the membership be allowed to cast votes once the Board has called a meeting. We will suggest to the Board they determine if there is an up-to-date membership list, and will volunteer to act as emcee for any informational meetings the Board convenes.

Meeting adjourned at 9:34.