Building Team Notes January 12, 2017


Irene Stewart, Peter Young, Sherry Smith, Beth Peterson, Mark Sisson

Excused: Suzette Reiss

Irene called the meeting to order at 7:05.

Minutes from the previous meeting were read and accepted.

While reading them, the Building Team revisited items listed there, including a discussion of the insurance claim status. Irene distributed a few sheets that included the Insurance Fund Income and Expense Report- 12/31/2016, and materials compiled by Jack Speyer re: the “Statement of Loss” report. However, Peter noted we have not received written assurance from the insurance company noted in the minutes of 1/03/2017, and that Bill Moore will contact the insurance company directly about that. There was a suggestion that the Board of Trustees clarify the BT responsibilities about contacting the insurance company and/or the insurance adjusters. There was discussion about the source of funds for Mr. Moore’s fees and it was noted that those monies will arise from sources outside the insurance claims.

Discussion of the rental property was held. It was suggested that the Trustees examine the feasibility of refurbishing the house versus demolition versus allowing it remain as is, and to make a decision prior to commencement of our building project. It was noted that at that time, the construction company will require the use of the trailer and the Board and BT will need to make other arrangements for their meetings.

Irene reported that Peter Marren’s contract would be completed 1/13/2017.

Irene asked for a list of items that could be used as goals for fund-raising efforts. The BT should compile a list of five items (from each member) and will consolidate those lists for presentation to the Board by January 26. We should have a general idea of the cost of these items, as well.

The BT devoted the remainder of the meeting to a line-by-line analysis of the 10 page draft presented by Peter Marren outlining goals, general arrangements, and specific items to be contained in the plans of our new church. (Note: Mr. Marren’s draft is a compilation of ideas generated during BT meetings with him. At this time, the draft proposal will be available solely to members of the BT. It was decided that distribution of the draft proposal to the general membership would be unwieldy, as the BT acts as representatives of the membership. It was stressed, however, that prior to any decisions about the sanctuary, grounds and fellowship hall, the membership would be notified and allowed to comment.)

Meeting adjourned at 9:10